Alrighty! So, a few weeks back, I had a desperate need to take photos. And that's what brought about the idea to put together my very first "Mini Sessions". Mini Sessions are photo shoots in just a shorter amount of time. Typically, because they are shorter, photographers like to do a few of them back to back. My plan was to meet at a nearby park and shoot four of these. Surprisingly enough, all four of my slots were filled in, so I had a promising day ahead of me - that is if it were not for the weather. In the end, I had to cancel two of them. But the ones that I was still able to do did just the trick to cure my photo craving.
The first session was with Hannah and Taira - two, very sweet and super photogenic best friends. These where a blast to shoot! They were also good sports when I made them walk into tall grass, lay on the ground, and write on their feet with a Sharpie. "You did what?" Just wait and see, and it will all make sense.
The second mini will be up soon!! Get excited!
(Click on any photo to view in slide format. Photos appear more clear and less pixelly)
Hannah on the left and Taira on the right.
These gals know how to go from their laughing smiles to their model poses like a flip of a switch!
"But seriously, we are models"
It's really hard to pick, but if I had to, I would say these two are my favorites from the session!
Make sense now? ;)